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Hop on The Tantric Journey
A seriously quirky transformation tale  

Buckle up for The Tantric Journey -a rollercoaster tale that's not just breaking boundaries but occasionally tripping over them. We kick off in the shanty towns of Caracas, Venezuela, do a funky dance through the beautiful landscapes of Australia, and wrap it all up in a cosmic bow of self-discovery, through the use of psychedelics and plant medicine.  

I started out as a Medical Scientist, you know, mixing potions and chasing mysteries... (lol, just kidding!) I actually spent years assisting the emergency staff in hospitals around Australia. I was always naturally curious and extremely geeky about the functioning of the human body.  

I was also born with a natural adventurous spirit- I've always had an undeniable love for traveling, meeting new people, and exploring new places. My travels have been like a series of masterclasses in life, enriching my journey both before and after psychedelics. These experiences, together with migrating, were the original catalyst for self-enquiry. It has been wonderful to witness that even though we come from different social backgrounds, and cultural identities, as human beings, we share a lot of commonalities in terms of what brings us joy, and what brings us suffering.

In the whirlwind year of 2020, I decided to ditch the safety goggles of my Medical Scientist days and don the adventurous cape of personal exploration. I enrolled in the VITA Sex Love and Relationship Coaching Program, with my first mentor, Layla Martin- an experience so mind-bendingly bold, it made my previous escapades in the Amazon Jungle seem like a stroll in the park.  

It was like joining a rollercoaster of emotions, where the loops were existential, and the drops were confrontations with the depths of my own psyche. I faced challenges that made me question everything, from the meaning of life to whether my refrigerator light turns off when I close the door. Spoiler alert: it does!

But amidst the chaos, something beautiful happened. I received many downloads from the Goddess, guiding me in my new journey, I made connections around the world that turned my social circle into a global galaxy of kindred spirits. And let's not forget the lessons—oh, the lessons! I learned more about myself than I did in fourteen years of Medical Science, and I became a Tantric sexuality and Crystal Yoni Egg Coach. Who knew the real adventure was within?  

After this, my continuous evolution led me to my second master, Ma Ananda Sarita. She has become my new spiritual GPS to becoming a Tantra Yoga teacher. Osho would be proud.  


But hey, let’s not get all serious and grown-up. My love life? Oh boy, it’s been a Netflix series—long-distance sagas, short and long-term drama, and the matrimonial sitcom. I've also had my fair share of toxic dynamics, and as far as relationships struggles go, the likelihood is, I have been there, and done that. But fear not, my friend, I've cracked the code. It's like getting the superpower of relationship wisdom, and I'm here to share. And yes, in case you are curious. I am currently in a wonderfully unconventional relationship, with a man I truly adore. Putting my money where my mouth is, my relationship doesn't look like the ones of my dearest friends, my parents, or his. It doesn't have to!

What is The Tantric Journey really all about?

My Mission

 I am passionate about guiding couples building a thriving intimate life.

Working with me, we will create a roadmap to your ABSOLUTE BEST intimate life together, where my values, vision, and impact are the guiding stars in a journey that's uniquely yours.​ I am not your average guide; consider me your wing-woman for the thrilling adventure of personal, psychological, emotional, and sexual awesomeness.


My Vision 

This isn't just coaching; or space holding. In its grandest conceptualization, we are catalysts for global change. I am dead serious! (which is rare) but in our work together, I will be continuously inviting you to a deeper place within, that anchors you in unconditional love. Learning to relate with other humans from this space, has a ripple effect far beyond the objectives of our work together, into your friendships, family members, and working relationships. Even into how you relate with the world around you, and how you think about yourself! *Body chills* ​


The Heart of My Approach 

Ever heard of authenticity and radical self-love? These aren't just fancy buzz words; they're the secret sauce to unlock extraordinary relationships. It's like getting the keys to the kaleidoscopic club. Sprinkle it with a bit of neurobiology, and a big dash of Tantric philosophy! It's so much fun. ​


Who am I calling with my work? 

To all you fabulous beings aged 25 and above, regardless of who you love or how you identify—welcome to the VIP section. The Tantric Journey is the place where we will create the most exhilarating, and wildly successful romances of your life. ​


My offerings

 Personalized 1:1 transformational coaching -tailored like a bespoke suit.

I run 1:1 coaching programs to help you with the very specific intricacies of your alchemical union. Please refer to the Work with me section for more details


Group spaces: Add me to your socials to stay updated about my upcoming 2-hour,  and full day workshops, and weekend retreats.

These are beautiful, powerful transformative spaces, where we get to turbocharge the speed of  your developing intimacy together, and we create magic with the power of collective energy cultivation.


​So, there you have it—the Tantric Journey, a tale so quirky it might just redefine how you see the world. Ready to join the adventure? Book in an initial call, or attend one of my group spaces to join the fun.


Big love!






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